
Built On Base

Introducing Pudu, the ultimate memecoin mascot of Basechain! Decked out in vibrant blue, Pudu is the epitome of crypto cuteness. With its doe-eyed gaze and mischievous grin, Pudu is here to shake up the blockchain scene with some serious meme magic.

Picture Pudu prancing through the digital jungle, leaving a trail of blue memes and laughter in its wake. It’s not just a coin—it’s a whole vibe. So join the Pudu party on Basechain and let’s meme our way to the moon!

Tokenomics? More like Pudu-nomics! We’re hoofing our way to the moon. Hold onto your antlers and your Pudus—this journey’s fueled by giggles and blue bucks!…Get it?…blue bucks…

Total Supply
500,000,000 PUDU
Max Transaction & Wallet
5,000,000 PUDU
0-Buy & 0-Sell

Renounce Randys, eh? No sweat, we’ve punched the ‘Pudu Power’ button on renouncing! While they’re spinning in circles, we’re Pudifying the meme space. To our Randys: /renounce in the telegram—because we’re already spreading the blue pudu love!

Pudu's Likes & Dislikes

Pudu’s dishing out opinions faster than a meme coin giveaway! But hey, with Pudu at the helm, who needs a crystal ball? Turns out this little deer’s got more sass than a bear market rally! Looks like Pudu’s here to stay, and it’s not just for the blue bucks!


Pudu Events




Roadmap? Pfft, that’s just our ‘Pudu-paved path’ to greatness! We’re forging ahead through the meme jungle, dodging FUD-filled potholes and soaring over moon-sized hurdles. Hang onto your antlers, because with Pudu, we’re on a one-way ticket to Pudu Paradise

Email: Pudu24@Proton.me


Information on this site is for informational purposes only. Investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks. We do not guarantee accuracy or suitability for your investment decisions.

2024 Pudu. All rights reserved